There is a huge variety of seeds out there, like I can't even count how many different hybrid types of tomatoes and cucumbers there are. I mean they have everything! I even discovered a cucumber that is called "Burpless". What exactly does that mean? So say I grow a "burpless" cucumber I eat it and burp. Does that mean I get my money back? Ok, I know I'm being sarcastic, but geez, what happened to the good old fashioned crops our ancestors used to plant in the old Victory Garden days. So I thought wouldn't it be cool, to find an heirloom variety of tomato and plant that! So I go on a quest to find some. I order a few seed catalogs, I pick out this gorgeous heirlooms called Big Rainbow which are supposed to grow up to 2 lbs per tomato. So I go online, ready to order, pick them out at $1.95 per packet of 30 didn't think that sounded too bad. Shipping would be a little but not having a heart attack yet, until I see they're charging a GAS SURCHARGE! what? that would make my one packet of tomatoes almost $7! Sorry Park not going for that. So what if I were ordering a big bulk of seeds instead of one packet? Would I get a discount or would they just keep tacking on more? It's almost as insane as a Gas charge at a hotel, excuse me? I drove there, the hotel didn't drive to me! But anyway....moving right along...
I checked out and discovered they didn't charge a gas surcharge but they're shipping was double for one packet of seeds! Geez! So this is what I found out. Stick with local nurseries, home centers, even Walmart has a huge selection of seeds for like a buck a packet! If you buy a new plant at Home Depot, and it dies, you take it back and they'll replace it. I'm sure it's the same at Lowes, and Ace Hardware. Anyway, moral of the story, unless it's extremely rare and there's no way in hell you'll find it locally, go with the local folks. But the catalogs are cool to browse through...